Little Gold Women

Charlize Theron Just Single-Handedly Boosted Mad Max’s Oscar Campaign

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By ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images.

If it was actually proven that dressing as an Oscar statuette would boost someone’s chances at the Academy Awards, then half of Hollywood would probably be forever dressed in full metallic jackets. But a little visual association can’t hurt, and in the case of this shimmery number Charlize Theron wore in Hong Kong on Wednesday, it can only help the chances of Oscar dark horse Mad Max: Fury Road.

Theron is always, always glamorous, but she might be especially clingy-dress-ready thanks to all the work she did to get ready to play the tough-as-nails Imperator Furiosa. She told The Independent, “I wanted to look like I had tremendous upper-body strength because there was so much physicality in the movie, especially with someone like Tom Hardy. And I just hate that idea of scrawny little girls fighting men off and then winning so I did a lot of upper-body yoga to get my shoulders and neck strong. I look like a football player in this movie.”

And Theron might just have what it takes to muscle her way into the Oscar race this year. Genre action movies like Fury Road aren’t always top of the list when it comes to awards season, but Furiosa made such an impression on audiences this year that it might be time for 2004’s best-actress Oscar winner, Theron, to land back in the race. Warner Bros. is certainly pushing for nominations for Theron, director George Miller, and the film itself. As Charlize herself says, the future is gold.