Enigma Wrapped in a Riddle

Sarah Jessica Parker Uses Sex and the City to Joke About Jeff Sessions’s Russia Debacle

From S.J.P., with love.

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The current administration is mired in Russian intrigue, which sounds a lot like . . . the sixth and final season of the acclaimed television series Sex in the City starring Sarah Jessica Parker as writer Carrie Bradshaw! The connection didn't escape the notice of Parker herself, who posted a meme of her character pondering at her computer (her natural state) that reads, “I couldn't help but wonder: had the Russian ambassador been meeting with everybody except me?”

Parker captioned the meme, “I had to. Don't know the provenance; however, whoever you are, thank you.” (It was originally tweeted Wednesday evening by Huffington Post writer James Michael Nichols.)

Though Carrie never wondered this exact thing aloud, in the sixth season she did date a Russian artist named Aleksandr Petrovsky (played by Mikhail Baryshnikov), which makes this show reference wrapped in a meme on an actress’s Instagram account the Russian equivalent of kissing your fingers like an Italian chef.